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Журнал "Омск.Собака.ру" (07-2009)

Social media has revolutionized the way literature is consumed and produced. On one hand, it has made literature more accessible to readers, and on the other, it has created new challenges for writers. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook have given writers a new way to connect with their readers and promote their work. However, the brevity of social media has also led to a shift in writing styles with shorter and more concise writing becoming more popular.

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Impact of social media on Literature
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Дисциплина без стресса, наказаний и наград. Как развить в детях ответственность и желание учиться
На море - ! Автомобилем из Ижевска и Удмуртии на Чёрное и Азовское море : Автопутешествия
Октябрь - Xakep Online
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Impact of social media on Literature - Daily Times Updates

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