Антенна arx-2b
I mounted it on three sticks of chain link top rail next to my shack and connected it to the transmitter using LMR For the past 5 years, the antenna has performed well. Unfortunately, about a week ago, a gust of wind brought the Ringo Ranger down.ARX-2B, Vert, Monoband, Indep 2m, 7, Ringo II
The result is high gain and a very low angle of radiation to cover a large area. The Ringo ranger II has built-in lightning protection, UV-stabilized insulators, heavy wall tubing, improved decoupling radials to eliminate feedline radiation, and all-weather performance. Product data sheet. Mobile view.
All departments - including shipping - will be closed February 19, for Family Day. Regular business hours resume February 20, Please note: Due to the size of this antenna, it can only ship via UPS and extra shipping charges will apply. The Ringo Ranger II has more gain, less windload, and more mechanical integrity than other two meter antennas. The result is a very low angle of radiation over your coverage area. The Ringo Ranger II has built-in lightning protection, UV-stabilized insulators, heavy wall tubing, improved decoupling radials to eliminate feedline radiation, and all-weather performance.
Приготовление градуировочных газовых смесей. Гравиметрический метод Испытание бетонов, цементов, вяжущих, качество воды Методика проведения геодезических работ Перечень государственных стандартов в области ЭМС. Фильтр Цена, руб. Гранит Все модели 8.